More young people on Relic’s Facebook

More young people on Relic’s Facebook

Age demographics of “Saint John Bosco relic pilgrimage (Negros-Cebu) Photos” Facebook page.

More young males, most likely Bosconians within the 13-24 age bracket, clicked “Like” in our Facebook page “Saint John Bosco relic pilgrimage (Negros-Cebu) Photos” than their older fellow Bosconians aged 35-54. More interesting, the number of females within the 45-54 age bracket surpassed by nearly half their males counterparts.

No, this does not this mean younger Bosconians who are still in high school or just graduated within the past eight years vastly outnumber those who graduated at least 29 years ago in their interest on the pilgrimage of Saint John Bosco as shown in the actual turnout during the alumni vigil last December 16, 2010.

The Facebook initiative was carried out to stir interest and participation in the ongoing relic pilgrimage and the coming Pilgrimage Commemorative Book.

We, in PRworks Inc., believe this demographics tell us something else. It shows how products of a technology school at various age levels have embraced social media and how they behave online.

For example, some 15 alumni from class 77 of Don Bosco Technological High School (DBTHS) came during the vigil. But only one or two liked the online pilgrimage page.

“I seldom use the Internet or logon in Facebook. My kids (who are already teenagers) use the computer most of the time,” said one class 77 alumni and an engineering graduate. A batch mate said he had his teenager set up his Facebook for him.

Meanwhile, while more males joined the Facebook page than females, the figures showed that more females within the ages 45-54 are more active on Facebook than the supposedly technologically-savvy males within the same age bracket.

So it is not just the teenagers who are more into social media. The number of females, from ages 45 to 54 years old and who are most likely mothers and wives, are more active online than males.

Though the number of samples are still small (just over a hundred as of this writing), the figures culled from the Facebook Insight of the relic pilgrimage page provide us with an idea on who are most likely to respond to advocacy and marketing efforts online.

This is just an initial observation though. We intend to update this analysis in the coming days. Check us out from time to time.

PRworksPH team

PRWorksPH Content Team is now composed of Emmanuel Mongaya, Alya Simone Mongaya, Patricia Quiachon, and Raphaella Bautista.

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