CEBU-based bloggers have shown nutrition consciousness by helping spread the word about nutrition and breastfeeding as the Philippines celebrate National Nutrition Month 2011.
Cebu MD, a blog for Cebu physicians, wrote:
“… Unfortunately, some mothers make many excuses and others even give artificial drinks before 4 months. When I was still a medical technologist, I even saw an infant being given coffee. They probably do not know that if a baby stops suckling from a breast, that breast stops making milk which could explain why some mothers claim they are not producing milk and make it a reason why they stop breastfeeding their babies ….”
Vernon Go’s Event Geek blog helped announce in Cebu’s online world the National Nutrition Month 2011 celebration last July 1, 2011.
Mega Philippines wrote that “Moms are heroes this Nutrition Month 2011.”
The Breaking Story Health Blog and Lic Wiki focused on Mandaue City’s decision to require companies to set up breastfeeding rooms. This development – the National Nutrition Council, Mandaue City Hall, and the Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry signed a MOA during the National Nutrition Month 2011 launch at SM City Cebu – likewise earned the enthusiastic attention of the blog Breastfeeding Pinay.
Jayceeblabs, on the other hand, highlighted the formation of MIND 7 or the Media Information Network for Nutrition and Development which helped in organizing the National Nutrition Month 2011 celebration.
PRworks Online, the blog of the preferred PR agency in the Visayas and Mindanao, has been instrumental in the formation of MIND 7 in coordination with the National Nutrition Council (NNC) 7.
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