PR: Definitions and Concepts.

PR: Definitions and Concepts.

PR in today’s New Normal Philippines.

The Covid-19 pandemic and varying levels of quarantine pushed the global economy to its knees. And with this, leaders and entrepreneurs have realized one thing:  the need for more communication and collaboration with the public. Public Relations has become more important.

Blake Morgan in a article advised public relations professionals:

Now the challenge is not just to stand-out, but to pivot, innovate and transform. These three buzzwords are much more easily said than done. This is not the time to quiver in fear and count our losses, but be a leader in helping customers get back on their feet. We are now serving a customer that’s been financially impacted by COVID-19, who wants to be a touchless and digital customer, and who will be living differently for some time.


But practicing Public Relations in the Philippines since the late 90s taught Doris Isubal-Mongaya, the CEO of PRWorks Inc., many things. One lesson stood out for her. Often, there is a disconnect arising from misconceptions about what is PR.

So, what is Public Relations?

PR, or PUBLIC RELATIONS, is more than seeding press releases and getting these published. PR is not just about getting your message across. It is about establishing good relationships with people affected and concerned about what we do. It is about creating a good image.

PR = Publicity + Relationship

PR involves generating Publicity hand in hand with initiating, strengthening, and even repairing Relationships. Before, doing public relations in the Philippines meant working mainly with the mainstream media. Now, through technology, it is has grown to include bloggers and social media influencers to reach out to a larger online audience.

PR = Perception + Reputation

PR involves managing Perceptions with the end view of building good Reputations. Thus, the PR professional positions a corporation, for instance, with being a good corporate citizen that aims to uplift lives. The idea is to tell a brand’s story in a way that is compelling and relatable enough for the public to identify with.  The perspective here is go beyond branding. PR aims to achieve affinity.

PR = Positioning + ROI

Achieving a positive perception and reputation leads us to Positioning. Merely getting one’s attention is not enough. PR helps make brands occupy a distinct position in the public’s mind. PR does this through effective story-telling that engages a brand’s consumers.

This means a shift from measuring PR success in terms of column inches and instead looking at how each published content supports the brand position. A sharp eye focuses on ROI or return-on-investment and conversion. Indeed, technology has provided PR today with cost-effective tools for monitoring and understanding the impact on the bottom line. In the process, business leaders make better strategic and tactical decisions.

Cebu Landmasters Inc. founder and CEO Jose Soberano (left) leads the groundbreaking ceremony of its latest project in Cebu City, the Mivela Garden Residences. With him are (second from left onwards) Cebu City Mayor Edgar Labella, contractor Peter Dy of PLD Construction, Atty. Jerone Castillo, and CLI chief operating officer Franco Soberano.

PR = Policy + Relevance

PR has developed enough that professionals are no longer the people that writes press releases or manage media events. Policymakers both in business and government today recognize the importance of public relations and communications. The PR professional now engage in more strategic solutions to more complex problems and understand how to develop relevant messages. They know how to deliver these messages in a high impact and integrated campaigns directed at the right audiences.

Actress Jasmine Curtis-Smith pushes her advocacy for child education with World Vision.

Benefits of PR

PR does not stop at managing perceptions. Strategically, PR leads to accelerating business growth. This process is sustained by achieving affinity with the public. PR achieves this by uplifting lives.

In short, PR results in the following — manage perceptions; accelerate growth; and uplift lives.

Learn more about Public Relations in the Philippines. Check out the following posts in PR 101:

Why do public relations work? 

10 ways you can make PR work

Public Relations work in the Philippines (2020 update)

Frequently asked questions

What is PR or Public Relations?

PR, or PUBLIC RELATIONS, is more than seeding press releases and getting these published. PR is not just about getting your message across. It is about establishing good relationships with people affected and concerned about what we do. It is about creating a good and accurate image of ourselves in other people’s minds.

Do Public Relations work?

Making public relations work for brands is something that has been proven over and over again when done right. You can do it yourself or with the help of an agency.

Why do Public Relations?

Public Relations involves managing perceptions. It helps how people, especially one's customers perceive you positively. PR increases trust in one's brand. PR enhances credibility and reputation.

Is public relations only for brands or politicians?

Public relations is not just for big corporations or politicians, as is usually supposed. All sectors and actors from small companies, community organizations, religious groups, advocacy efforts, to personalities can benefit from good public relations. It works for you.

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Adapt. Engage your customers. Uplift Lives.
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