Party, do selfies, map the Philippine Startup future
What happens when nearly 500 geeks meet in Boracay? A lot!
Expect the tech reporters, columnists, and bloggers to have submitted for publication or posted already their take of the Geeks on a Beach conference last August 20 and 21, 2015 in Boracay. The social media-savvy participants already posted thousands of photos in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
We were there with the PRworks team, being part of headed by Ms. Tina Amper, that served as the event management back end.
And here’s what we witnessed …
Geeks party hard
The series of parties began even before the official start of the conference.Food and drinks flowed during the pre-conference night chill sponsored by Kickstart at The White House. More drinks flowed during first night’s ASpace and Ipanema Acoustic Night at the Crown Regency’s beach front. Then came the geek party at Club Paraw.
I don’t party that much but this time i had soooo much fun! Until next year! #GOAB — Haifa Carina (@haifacarina) August 21, 2015
Those who wish to relish those Club Paraw moments, check out the club’s grand album.
Get high by the beach
The strong south wind that locals call Habagat and the big waves failed to discourage many from taking a dip at Boracay’s waters.
Being an entrepreneur is like surfing. It’s hard work. It feels like the sea is against you. An uphill battle mostly. But when you can finally stand and balance, even just once, it’s the most amazing feeling. #surfing #goab #hardwork #firsttimesurfer #entrepreneur A video posted by Irene Enriquez (@girlygeekph) on
Selfie and more
Geeks posted selfies and groupies in Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #GOAB. But Gerald Yuvallos of Cebu’s had a blast doing this.
Geek on a Beach. Enjoying the waves in Boracay. #goab #geeksonabeach #iSTORYAdotNET #gopro #hero4 #geek #beach #boracay #waves @mrsbeor A photo posted by Gerald Yuvallos (@beorski) on
Meanwhile, Digital Filipino icon Janet Toral had her moment with Dave McClure of 500 Startups.
My #goab Dave McClure fan moment. 🙂 A photo posted by Janette Toral (@digitalfilipino) on
We are legion! So long geeks! See you next year at Geeks on a Beach 2016. #goab #boracay A photo posted by Ibba Bernardo (@ibbara) on
Meet new and old friends
You might have met somewhere before or never. But you found yourselves together as if you are old friends.
Meet investors
#GOAB 3 Day 0 launches w/ our investor dinner. Thanks, partners! — IdeaSpace Phils. (@IdeaSpacePh) August 19, 2015
Instant meetup and lightning pitches with friends from Geeks on a Beach #goab #apolloph #dojo8coworkingspace #dojo8iloilo #iloilocity #iloilo A photo posted by dojo8Iloilo (@dojo8coworking_iloilo) on
Win prizes for pitching
Near Circles, a mobile app that connects you with barangay and subdivision neighbors has won GOAB’s international pitching competition. The other contest finalists are MobKard, a mobile app allowing merchants to create real-time and location-based promos, ProTees, a t-shirt crowd funding platform, Iskwelahan, a school announcements app, and, a web portal to quality and reliable construction service providers. The 5 finalists in the contest were chosen from an initial pool of 28 startups hailing from 8 countries, including India, Malaysia, Mongolia, Romania, Singapore, Thailand, and the United States. They delivered their pitches in front of the audience and panel of judges.

The judges include STAC-Silicon Valley President Christina Laskowski, DOST-ICTO Deputy Executive Director Mon Ibrahim, e27 Co-founder and CEO Mohan Belani, 1337 Ventures CEO and Founder Bikesh Lakhmichand, 500 Startups Partner Tim Chae, and Smart eMoney COO Paolo Azzola. The top winner NearCircles received a cash prize of US$1,000, a GOAB Special Trophy, 1 unit Huwei Honor 4C Smartphone, and giftpacks. Second place winner MobKard and third placer Protees received a 1 unit Huwawei Honor 4C Smartphone and gift packs as prize each respectively. Iskwelahan, Mobkard, and NearCircles meanwhile received a special Smart Life Award for presenting an idea that enables customers to enjoy life through digital innovations. Each received 1 unit of Samsung Tab 3 Lite with a Smart Bro Prepaid Pocket Wifi. A VentureLab Award was also given to NearCircles which received US$250 plus a 1 hour mentoring session and to MobKard which likewise received US$100 and a 1 hour mentoring session.
Map out tomorrow
Most significant, Geeks on a Beach 3 became the moment when the Philippine Startup Community — that includes both government and the private sector — launched the “Philippine Roadmap for Digital Startups 2015 and Beyond.” According to the roadmap:
In the long run, the main goal is to produce the next billion-dollar tech startup from the Philippines.
Symbolic turnover of the Startup Roadmap @geeksonabeach #goab #goab2015 #Boracay @500startups @sunstarcebu @cbcbloggers A photo posted by PRworksPh (@prworksph) on
This account is not definitely not complete. Perhaps you could also share your story, guys.